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You have a dream of what you want your relationships to be whether consciously aware or not.  Beliefs learned early in life have a great influence on your ability to create these dreams. We can explore those beliefs and how they affect your life today. There is no good, bad, right, or wrong in what you say or do. When you can understand yourself without judgement you will learn to understand others and create a new world around you. I see myself as teacher, coach, and guide helping you create your dreams and eliminate any obstacles . It takes more than reading a book or haveing a list of what to do to create those dreams. Together we can get you there!


If I were to identify one thing for you to learn it is that trust is earned. Believe what someone tells you when the words match the behavior. You need history, and history is a period of time. That means knowing someone more than twenty four hours!!!!


Step One:

Become Aware. I will teach you to understand why you react the way you do. Learning not to react is key.  One my say "I do not know why I said that," or "I do not know why I did that." Knowing how to react is to have a choice.

Step Two:

Recognize and Identify Behaviors that Sabotage Relationships. This includes not only what you do and say that can be self defeating, but what you tolerate from others. Some people's tolerance for unacceptable behaviors in others is often too high.The more you recognize this, the more you will be aware of your own self-defeating behaviors and those in others.

Step Three:

Learn to Change Those Self-Defeating Attitudes and Behaviors. I call this "doing the tough stuff". One can talk forever, but it is learning what to say, what not to say, what to do, and what not to do, yet not excluding ones own emotions in the process that creates one's world and the ability to get what you want.

How It Works:

I will give you support and often give you exercises to do.  It can be anything from practicing a new thought, saying something in a different way, or observing your world from a different perspective that I have presented to you.  Sometimes one is ready to do the exercise, and sometimes not.  You can work at your own pace between our communiations.  Whatever path you choose I am here as your support and personal coach.

Things to Think About:

There can be other factors that interfere with you getting what you want in a relationship that are important for me to mention. These include depression, anxiety, obsessive/compulsive disorder,  phobias, drug/alcohol dependency or abuse, and eating disorders to name a few. Family upbringing is another factor.  Many families are not perfect, yet the more dysfunctional a family the more tools one lacks to create their dreams. I can help you where these mey apply.

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